Marc Anthony's Ex-Wife Seeks to Modify Child Support Order

Child support ensures that both parents share in the costs associated with raising a child. Situation may arise when the amount paid may need to be updated based on needs or ability to pay.

The ex-wife of musician Marc Anthony is planning to take him to court to increase his child support obligation for their two sons. He currently pays $13,000 per month in child support in addition to $3,500 per month for alimony. His ex-wife is claiming that based on his significant income, he should be obligated to pay more each month for child support. She is requesting the court to increase the amount to $112,000 per month, nearly a $100,000 increase. He opposes her assertion, stating that he has paid his current amount every month, as well as paying for the boys' school, medical costs and expenses related to other activities.

In Georgia, an original child support order is based on a shared income approach that incorporates a rate table to determine an amount adequate to meet a child's needs. This amount is paid by the non-custodial parent and takes into account many factors. Circumstances may arise that cause one of the parents to pursue a modification of this order, such as a change in the financial circumstances on which the order was based. Such an action can only be filed once every two years by the same party and can seek to increase or decrease the current amount paid.

If a modification is granted, it can be a temporary or permanent change. A temporary change may be due to an unexpected expense or a change in income based on loss of employment and will be modified until the circumstance no longer exists. A permanent change is often due to an increase in the income of one of the parents or one of the parents remarrying and will modify the order from that point on.

The payment of child support allows a child to be financially supported by both parents. If the financial circumstances of the parents change, the order of child support can be modified accordingly. A family law attorney can guide a parent through the process of modifying a child support order.

Source: Examiner, "Marc Anthony's ex Dayanara Torres demanding $112,000 a month in child support," Karen de Wilde, Nov. 23, 2013

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